Gifted children and youth are those who, by virtue of outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and require differentiated programs beyond the regular program to realize their full potential. Gifted and talented students within the Erlanger-Elsmere School District are offered myriad programs and activities that address their special talents.
The elementary school program model within the district involves identified students from each of our elementary schools by grade with embedded instruction on a daily basis and provides additional programming throughout the year to assist in development of higher level thinking skills and exposure to experiences to help each student realize their potential.
The middle school expands programming for students in the Gifted and Talented program. Leadership opportunities are available through a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs and sports teams. Students interested in Visual and Performing Arts can participate in drama classes, a well-developed art program and music via the band and choirs. Students who are gifted in academic areas have opportunities to take advanced classes at every grade level. Students in the eighth grade can take classes at the high school and can earn credits toward graduation.
At the high school level, exceptional students are offered curriculum opportunities that are specifically matched to their learner characteristics in terms of abilities, interests and needs. These opportunities maximize their learning experiences and replace or supplement learning beyond the standard curriculum. These students are often serviced through differentiation, acceleration or advanced placement. Many exceptional students have the opportunity to earn up to 25 hours of college credit through Advanced Placement and dual credit classes for free before leaving high school.
All schools in the Erlanger-Elsmere School District are associated with the Northern Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (NKAGE), a regional partner of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). NKAGE offers a number of programs throughout the year in collaboration with school districts in the Northern Kentucky region and Northern Kentucky University. Through the support of NKAGE and Northern Kentucky University, our students participate in such as programs as the Young Women Lead Conference, ExploreMore, Norse Think Tank, Northern Kentucky Middle School Leadership Symposium, and Dreamfest. Below are links to a number of videos, brochures, and resources relating to Gifted and Talented Education in the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools, and in Kentucky.
Helpful Links
If you have any questions about the Gifted and Talented Program at your child’s school, please contact the school's instructional coach:
Arnett Elementary School
Shannon Stahl
Howell Elementary School
Stacey Cooper
Lindeman Elementary School
Krista Wainscott
Miles Elementary School
Hannah Campbell
Tichenor Middle School
Melanie Gleason
Lloyd Memorial High School
Annie Roberts