Summer is here... and we've got lots of opportunities!
Annual Update now open
Mr. Robert Haire selected as principal of Bartlett Educational Center
Lloyd students plan for future at College, Career & Job Fair
Lloyd band plays through the spring
Tichenor's sixth graders create math-themed games
Lindeman ends year with flurry of activities
Howell celebrates end of school year
Miles fifth graders are moving on up!
Lloyd yearbook staff design posters for project
Athletics updates
Sign-ups open for Backpacks & Breakfast
Block Party seeking vendors!
Events in Erlanger
Summer is here…
And we’ve got lots of opportunities for our students!
There are so many amazing opportunities for summer fun and learning this summer in Erlanger, Elsmere, and beyond! Check out this comprehensive list of summer activities in the district and community, including summer camps, summer school opportunities, sports camps, summer meal programs, preschool and daycare information, and much more!
Annual Update now open
The district’s online Annual Update (enrollment) is currently open. This is an opportunity to update all census information such as phone numbers, emails, and your current address. You can also review and sign all required annual district and school form. The Annual Update must be completed prior to the first day of school on August 18, 2022.
Mr. Robert Haire selected as principal of Bartlett Educational Center
The Erlanger-Elsmere Independent School District is pleased to announce Mr. Robert Haire as the new principal of Bartlett Educational Center. Mr. Haire takes the place of Mr. Darrell Cammack, who is retiring after 27 years of dedicated service to the district.
Mr. Haire comes to Bartlett from Newport High School, where he most recently served as Instructional Coach. In this role, he has served as the point of contact for academic programs, facilitated the school’s Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and coordinated educational support services. He has undertaken a number of leadership roles and has been an active member of the school’s administrative team. He also served as athletic director for Newport Independent Schools. Prior to joining the Newport district, Mr. Haire taught construction technology at Holmes High School and Campbell County High School.
His teaching background and diverse leadership roles make him well-suited to serve as Bartlett’s principal.
The Bartlett Educational Center provides an alternative learning environment for middle and high school students who need additional support to progress in school. The school provides individual students with a safe, structured, and supportive learning environment that empowers them to mature behavioral to succeed academically. Bartlett offers personalized learning programs that allow students to work at their own pace. Family engagement is encouraged, and every effort is made to help students receive their high school diploma and become positive and productive members of the community in which they live.
“I believe it is important to meet kids where they are educationally and deliver quality instruction that prepares them for the future.,” Mr. Haire said. “We should never ‘lower the bar’ simply due to a student’s barriers. It is our imperative to provide a world-class education to every student we encounter and promote growth and empowerment within the staff. I will be a model to my students and staff and will believe in them, encourage them, never giving up on the belief that we will succeed as a team. My goal as an administrator will be to align my mission and vision with the district’s to ensure school-wide growth.”
Mr. Haire has a bachelor’s degree in Career and Technical Education from Northern Kentucky University and a Master of Arts in Education for Instructional Leadership and Specialist in Education – Administration and Supervisor of Instruction certification from Eastern Kentucky University. A graduate of Dayton High School in Dayton, Ky., he currently resides in California, Ky. with his wife Jennifer Haire, and their three children, Georgia, Tripp, and Waylon.
Lloyd students plan for future at College, Career & Job Fair
The counselors at Lloyd High School organized a College, Career & Job Fair to expose students to a wide variety of career fields and to connect students to the many colleges and universities in the Tri-State area along with potential employers.
This year Lloyd hosted its largest fair ever, with 65 organizations represented.
“We hope to continue this great opportunity for our students in the future,” said Ms. Jen Bird, a counselor at Lloyd who helped organize the event. “Many of our students reported they were able to gain summer employment as well as information to help plan for the future – whether it be attending college, joining the military, or going right into the workforce. Our representatives shared that they were impressed with the maturity of our students and their willingness to ask questions and gain the information they need to be successful with future endeavors.”
Lloyd band plays through the spring
Lloyd. Memorial High School’s bands kept busy right up through the end of the school year – and beyond!
In mid-May, the band held an outdoor spring pops concert. Everyone who performed did a fantastic job!
A few days later, the band traveled to Cedar Point… performing in the park during the morning and then spending the rest of a beautiful spring day riding the rides and enjoying each other’s company!
Finally, the band ended its year on a wonderful note, representing the district in the Erlanger-Elsmere Memorial Day parade.
Tichenor’s sixth graders create math-themed games
To end the year, students in Ms. Grace Frecke’s sixth-grade math class spent a few days playing math-themed board games.
Students were tasked with choosing a unit from their last year of learning (decimals, fractions, rations, order of operations, etc.) and then creating a board game around it. The direction required the game to be suitable for three or more players, include at least 12 math problems for students to solve, and include complete instructions. Students were free to create their own idea, like “Walking the Plank” or copy an idea, like “Twister.” Once the games were created, students were given two class periods to play each other’s games. Some other teachers and administrators even got in on the fun!
“I’ve been so lucky to spend two days playing math-themed games with our students,” said Ms. Melissa Chaffin, assistant principal at Tichenor. “It was awesome to see how excited each group was to show me their hard work. These are some of my favorite days with students!”
Lindeman ends year with flurry of activities
Lindeman students and staff showcased their talents in the school’s annual talent show. Students performed in front of a large crowd in Dietz Auditorium and performed again at school for all of the Lindeman students. Acts ranged from comedy to martial arts to musical talent. The event also included a performance by the school’s 3-5 grade choir. Lindeman is full of talented students!
Lindeman students also enjoyed an exciting career week! The week included a variety of activities that exposed students to a wide range of careers and post-secondary options. Each classroom learned about a different career and created a life-size poster which became part of a career walk. The career walk allowed students to be exposed to all of the different careers in each classroom. Students also participated in a career fair where volunteers from the community visited the school to share about their careers. Fifth grade students participate in a Reality Store where they were assigned a career based on their interests and made decisions about housing, clothing, food, transportation, student loans, health insurance, and more. The Reality Store allowed students to gain experience being an adult and making adult decisions. Finally, every student in the school wrote what they wanted to be when they grow up and we created a rainbow of careers.
“Our students had so much fun learning about the importance of working hard now and in the future,” said Mrs. Angie Gabbard, Lindeman’s principal. “Dream big, Lions!”
First graders at Lindeman enjoyed celebrating all of their reading growth this year at Camp Read-A-Lot! Ms. Brittany Hamilton, a first grade teacher at the school, set up a campground in her classroom, creating a fun way to celebrate a love of reading along with all the progress students made in their reading this year!
Throughout the year, Mrs. Kathy Koerner, school counselor at Lindeman, works with a special group of Lindeman Leaders. Together, they learn about various leadership skills and take on a variety of roles within the school including raising and lower the flag, assisting with basic chores throughout the school, assisting teachers with various tasks, and being role models to our other Lindeman Lions. Each year the group completes a culminating project to leave their mark on Lindeman. This year they created a mural on the lobby wall with the help of some of very talented Lindeman artists.
Lindeman students Imara Hafeez and Shawn Greenwald participated in Cincinnati Ballet’s CincyDance! after receiving scholarships for the program earlier this year. The scholarship award covered the cost of tuition for Cincinnati Ballet Academy’s Ballet Foundations class through the Winter/Spring 2022 session. Over the course of their experience, Imara and Shawn learned ballet techniques and were exposed to additional dance styles including modern, street dance, and musical theater. Imara and Shawn spring completed the program on Sunday, May 15.
Before they officially graduated, Lloyd seniors who attended Lindeman for elementary school returned for a visit! They enjoyed reminiscing and seeing their former teachers.
“We are always so proud of our Lindeman graduates,” Mrs. Gabbard said. “Once a Lion, always a Lion!”
Howell celebrates end of school year
Dorothy Howell Elementary held a number of events to celebrate the end of a wonderful school year.
First up: Field Day! A sunny day and lots of fun activities made Field Day a success! Thank you to Ms. Price for organizing a great event and Ms. Sherry Ryle for ordering Kona Ice. It was a great day to be a Gator!
Howell also recognized its Hall of Fame inductees! Staff members nominated fifth graders that they felt best exemplified the spirit of Dorothy Howell Elementary, then students in Grades 3-5 voted on who they felt best demonstrated the honor, integrity, perseverance, and collaborative spirit the school works hard to achieve. Congratulations to the 2021-2022 inductees for their well-deserved recognition!
Before saying goodbye to elementary school, Howell’s fifth graders enjoyed a great time together at Jimmie's Rollerdome!
Then, they celebrated their milestone achievement as they prepared to advance to middle school at Fifth Grade Promotion Night.
“While we are so sad to see them move on, we know they are ready for middle school,” said Mrs. Tiffany Gruen, Howell’s principal. “Once a Howellagator, always a Howellagator!”
Miles fifth graders are moving on up!
Miles Elementary School’s fifth graders are moving on up! The school celebrated the outstanding group of young people at a special Fifth Grade Promotion ceremony.
We are so proud of you all and wish you the best of luck in middle school,” Mrs. Reena Connelly, Miles’ principal said. “Once a Mustang, always a Mustang!”
Lloyd yearbook staff design posters for project
The Lloyd yearbook staff has worked hard this year… not only to produce a fine publication but to create a poster project in conjunction with the Erlanger-Elsmere E3C Drug-Free Coalition and the Kenton County Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse showcasing Lloyd’s students.
The series of posters they created highlight the various activities available to students at Lloyd. The posters included schedules where applicable and also aimed to encourage students to participate in and support their school activities. It’s a collaboration they hope to continue in the future.
The dedicated staff and their leader, Mr. John Wilmhoff, are, indeed, the storytellers of Lloyd Memorial High School.
Athletics updates…
Congrats to Lloyd Softball players Lorelie Tomlinson, Mackenzie Run-on, Itzel Hernandez for achieving Division II All-Star honor awards! We are very proud of what they were able to accomplish this year and can’t wait to see them continue to grow!
Lloyd athletes represented well at the KHSAA Track and Field Class 1A State Meet…
Jake Davidson- Pole Vault, STATE CHAMPION, 14'-0"
Career 4-Time State Champion
Maddie Neary- High Jump, STATE CHAMPION, 5'-0"
Career 2-Time State Champion
Abbi Berger- Pole Vault Qualifier
Jagur Eickhoff- Shot Put, 20th place
Zaire Monroe- 100m, 16th place
Congratulations to Lloyd freshman Yurii Collins who was named to the 34th District Baseball All-Tournament Team!
We're so proud of all of our Juggernauts!
Sign-ups open for Backpacks & Breakfast
1,032 backpacks stuffed with new school supplies will be given away in drive-thru appointments August 13-14 at Be Concerned, 1100 Pike Street in Covington. If more than 960 students sign up, winners will be chosen by random drawing in early August. Winners will be emailed or texted pick-up times for their kids’ backpacks the week of August 1.
To register for the backpacks sweepstakes, click here, or email the following information to
• Parent/guardian’s name, city, e-mail & phone number
• Student’s name, 2022-2023 school, and grade
The deadline for entering is 5 p.m. on July 31, 2021.
Backpacks & Breakfast is open to K-12 students in Kenton, Campbell, and Boone counties. Each backpack will include a gift certificate for a free kids meal courtesy of Frisch’s. For details, email or call 859.750.2813. Backpacks & Breakfast is presented annually by Northern Kentucky Harvest in collaboration with Be Concerned. Support for the project comes from the Butler Foundation, the R.C. Durr Foundation, the Scripps Howard Foundation, the Western & Southern Financial Fund, the Summertime Kids fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Kentucky Humana Healthy Horizons Medicaid, the SofaGives Charitable Fund and St. Pius X Church.
Block Party seeking vendors!
We are so excited to bring back our Community Block Party for the 2022-2023 school year!
We are now seeking booth vendors for the annual Community Block Party! Please fill out the event form to reserve your spot at this great event.
Please share this with other community partners who have resources to offer our EES school families!
Contact Amber Evans at 859.342.2426
Even if you don’t want to be a vendor, save the date for Thursday, August 11! The Block Party features lots of fun for everyone!
Events in Erlanger
There’s so much summer fun in the City of Erlanger! Mark your calendar and get involved!