Technology Resources for Parents:
- Chromebook Handbook
- Logging on to a school loaned device from Home
- Logging into GSuite for Education Apps using your personal Chromebook Device
- Logging into GSuite for Education Apps using a Laptop or PC
- Connecting to Wifi on Chromebook if Disconnected
- Google Classroom for Parents Video
- Google Classroom for Parents PowerPoint
- Clever Camera Not Opening to Scan Badges
- Plato Log In
Resources for Families:
- Families in Transition
- Crisis Preparedness Information
- Preparación Crisis Información Para Padres
- District Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline
- Renaissance Home Connect
- Recognition Nominations
- Resource Guide
- Parchment.Com (Online Transcripts)
- HealthPoint Medical/Dental Enrollment Packet / in Spanish
- Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Instructional Information: