Working for our students academic and emotional success requires many resources.
We believe it takes a village to address the individual needs of our students.
We’d like to thank our local, state and national partners for their generous support:
- Butler Foundation - Helping Hands Grants
- Cabinet for Health and Family Services
- Catholic Charities
- Charity and Tommy Jordan
- Continuum of Care
- E3C
- Early Learning Center
- Education Leads Home
- Embry Walker Family
- Erlanger Christian Church
- Family Promise
- Head Start
- Health Point
- Helping Hearts NKY
- Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
- Homeward Bound
- Horizon Community Fund
- ION Center
- Kenton County Alliance
- Kenton County Cooperative Extension
- Kenton County Library
- Kentucky Career Center
- Kentucky Housing Corporation
- Kentucky League of Cities
- Legal Aid of the Bluegrass
- Lincoln Grant Scholar House
- National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
- NaviGo
- NKU Health Innovation Center
- NKY Cooperative for Educational Services
- NKY Education Council
- NKY Homeless Education Collaborative
- NKY Interagency Council on Homelessness
- NKY Safety Net Alliance
- NKY Youth Task Force
- Northern Kentucky Scholar House
- Seven Hills Church
- SchoolHouse Connection
- St. Vincent DePaul
- United Way of Northern Kentucky
- UpSpring
- Welcome House
- WellCare