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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)Results for


Proficient Reading: 21%


Distinguished Reading: 10%


Proficient Math: 18%


Distinguished Math: 6%



Proficient Reading: 24%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 20%


Distinguished Math: 6%


High School:

Proficient Reading: 25%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 21%


Distinguished Math: 7%


Recognition Nomination Forms

The Erlanger-Elsmere School District  is very much interested in recognizing students, staff members, and parent and community volunteers who are making a difference in our schools. If you would like to nominate someone for recognition, please complete the appropriate form below and send via fax, email, or U.S. Postal service to Erlanger-Elsmere School District's superintendent, Chad Molley

Erlanger-Elsmere School District
Attn: Chad Molley, Recognition Form
500 Graves Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018

Fax: (859) 727-5653


Student Recognition Form

Employee Recognition Form

Volunteer / Community Member Recognition Form